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Christ's life on Earth



Mary the Virgin was answered by Archangel Gabriel, who told her that she would give birth to a child to whom Jesus would be named. She asked who the father was. He replied that the power of the Holy Spirit would come upon her. She said if so by the grace of God. Mary was with her fiancé Joseph on the donkey.When they came to the cave she gave birth there.Archangel answered again and said that Christ's salvation had been born. Forty days after the birth of Christ they went to Jerusalem where they showed him.In Jerusalem they found Saint Simeon who Holy Spirit told he won't die until he didn't see Christ.Three kings from the east came to worship Jesus.Car Herod said they told him where Jesus was so that he would bow to him.He actually wanted to kill Jesus because he was afraid of taking his throne. the angel of the Lord told them, and told them Herod's plans. Herod ordered that all the children be killed until the age of two.Jesus was not been killed because the angel told that Joseph and Joseph he took them to Egypt.After Herod's death Joseph bring them  back to Bethlehem. When Jesus was twelve years old, he fled from Mary and Joseph without being noticed. Three days later they found them in the temple telling the elders about the Kingdom of Heaven.Christ's first miracle was at the wedding.They  ran out of wine.He got up and made wine from water.He gave them to try,and they were delighted.Christ preached always through stories.Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days, and the devil constantly tempted him.Jesus gathered the twelve disciples whom He called the apostles. Four of them wrote what they had seen, namely, John, Mark, Matthew, and Luke.The apostles constantly followed and listened to him.Once Jesus commanded them to cross over to the other side of the lake, a huge storm arose. Jesus was dozing. They awoke him and asked him to reduce the storm. He rose and lowered his hand, and then the storm stopped.Christ healed people every day and was resurrected.When he came to Jerusalem the women begged him to resurrect Lazarus. He came to the tomb and ordered the tomb to be opened. He ordered him to rise, and he did so.The next day he entered Jerusalem on the donkey. The Jews wanted to kill Jesus. They were looking for someone to betray Christ. This was done by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot.On Thursday on the occasion of the celebration of the Jewish Passover, Jesus told the apostles to prepare a Passover dinner.That day Jesus gave apostles bread and wine and he told them to do it in his memory.He said that one of them had betrayed him. The last time he prayed on the stone was a huge light shining on him, it was again an Angel.Instead of sweat,blood was falling from his head.The soldiers came with Judas. Judas kissed Christ and so betrayed him. They took him away and the tremendous torment of Jesus began.He was taken to Pontius Pilate. He said he saw no reason to crucify Christ on the cross. But he still did it.They took Jesus to Golgotha ​​where they crucified him. They crucified Jesus about three in the afternoon. There were two robbers near Christ.One of them repented and pleaded with Christ to receive him in His Kingdom. Until the other mocked Christ.Time was clouding. Jesus said out loud, "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit." And He died.The curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom exactly in half. The soldier said this one was really the son of God.They sought His body to be buried. Ponius Pilate did not believe that he died so quickly.The Jews demanded that soldiers be put before the grave so that some of the disciples would take the body and say that it was resurrected.After three days, the women went to smear the body of Christ with scented oil. They saw that the tomb was open.They came in and see Archangel Gabriel and asked why you are looking for the living among the dead? Jesus answered the disciples and the people for the next forty days.After forty days, Christ ascended into heaven. After ten days of the Ascension, the Holy Spirit came down and gave the Apostles and Virgin Mary a fiery tongue. They began to speak more languages ​​and began to preach what they saw.


-The transformation of the Lord


-The last supper


-The crucifixion of the Lord


-The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles

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