
-Prophet Elijah
Prophet Elijah
He was a native of Aronob of the city of Tesvit. According to tradition, when Elijah was born, his father Sabah saw around him angels wrapping him in fire and feeding him with flames, which was a sign of his flaming character and the power of fire. He spent his youth in deep reflection and prayer, often in the wilderness.
The then Emperor Ahab, under the influence of his wife Jezebel, abandoned the faith of Moses and began to glorify other gods. The prophet Elijah opposed the emperor by transferring his apostasy and prophesying drought and famine for the glory of other gods. He worked miracles through which God showed the Israelites His righteousness.
Because of the injustice done to humans by the emperor and his gracious ones, Elijah predicted that dogs would lick blood after death, which came true.
The prophet Elijah followed Hanan, accompanied by his disciple Elisha. When they came to Jericho, at the sight of fifty other prophets, they struck the cloak over Jordan, and the waters split on two sides.As they crossed over to the other shore, a nasty whirlwind rose, and the fiery chariots of fiery horses disassembled them, and in the whirlwind carried Elijah to heaven. St. Elijah, therefore, did not die but went to heaven alive.
Prophet Moses
Moses was born at a time when his people, the children of Israel, had multiplied so much that it worried the Egyptian Pharaoh that they might help the Egyptian enemies.Moses the Jewish mother of Joshua hid him when Pharaoh ordered all the newborn boys to be killed. Moses was adopted by the Egyptian royal family. After killing the Egyptian overseer, Moses fled across the Red Sea to the land of Madame, where he met a god who appeared in the form of a burning bush.God sent Moses to ask Pharaoh to deliver the Israelites. After the Ten Monsters, Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt across the Red Sea. On Mount Sinai, Moses received the Ten CommandmentsAfter 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, Moses passed away at the age of 120, near the Promised Land, but required God to see the Promised Land, which came to pass..

-Prophet Moses
Prophet Jeremiah
He was born about 600 BC in the village of Anatot not far from Jerusalem. Already at the age of fifteen he began to prophesy, and because of this he was very often out of power, even persecuted and imprisoned. Because of the first prophecies during the reign of Emperor Josiah, he aroused the wrath of the then great men and at that time he barely managed to save his life.He predicted to Emperor Joachim that his funeral would be like a donkey's funeral, which meant that his dead body would be thrown out of Jerusalem and would be dragged across the country for a long time without burial. Because of this, Jeremiah was thrown into prison. As he could not write in the dungeon, Jeremiah called on the Guardian, who stood by the dungeon window and wrote down what Jeremiah had dictated to him.When this prophecy was read to the emperor, the angry emperor took the paper and threw it into the fire. With God’s help, Jeremiah was given freedom, and his prophecy came true. He then predicted to Emperor Jehonia that he would be taken to Babylon with all his family and that he would die there, and that soon happened. During the reign of Emperor Zedekiah, Jeremiah put a yoke on his neck and marched through Jerusalem prophesying the fall of Jerusalem and slavery under the Babylonians.He wrote to a Jewish slave in Babylon that they did not hope to return to Jerusalem, for they would remain there for seventy years. In the valley of Totef, under Jerusalem, where the Jews sacrificed their children for their idols, Jeremiah took the pot into his hands and smashed it before the people, predicting the imminent demise of the kingdom of Judah.
Soon the Babylonians occupied Jerusalem, killed the emperor Zedekiah, plundered and destroyed the city, and slaughtered a huge number of Jews precisely in the Totef valley. Jeremiah and the Levites took the ark of the covenant from the temple and carried it to Mount Navat, where Moses died, where he hid it. He also hid fire from the temple into one deep well.Some Jews forced him to go with them to Misir, where he lived for four years, after which he was stoned and killed by his compatriots. The Doomed Fathers prophesied the doom of their idols and the coming of the Virgin with the Bride.There is a legend that Emperor Alexander the Great himself visited the tomb of the prophet Jeremiah. At the behest of Emperor Alexander, Jeremiah's body was transferred and buried in Alexandria. It is called the Book of Jeremiah the Prophet and the Lamentation of Jeremiah.

-Prophet Jeremiah
Prophet Isaiah
He was of the Imperial lineage. He was born in Jerusalem to father Amos (brother of Amaziah, king of Judah). According to Christian tradition, Isaiah was honored to see the Lord of hosts on the throne of heaven surrounded by six-pointed seraphim, who were constantly chanting, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of hosts."Isaiah prophesied many things, both to individuals and nations. Once, for three days, he walked all the way up the streets of Jerusalem, preaching the recent fall of Jerusalem under the Assyrian emperor Sennacherib, and admonishing the emperor and the rulers of the people not to rely on the help of the Messyrs and Ethiopians, since these would soon be conquered by the same Sennacherib, but that they rely on the help of God.Most important are his prophecies about the birth of God, the conception of the Blessed Virgin, John the Forerunner, and many events from the life of Christ. Christians believe he also had the gift of miracles, so that because of his prayer, the water flowed below Mount Zion when Jerusalem was besieged.This water was called Siloam (sent). It is written in the Bible that the Lord was later instructed by the Lord to wash himself in order to see. During the reign of Emperor Manasseh, when Isaiah spoke against the customs of the emperor and the rulers, comparing the then generation with Sodom and Gomorrah, he was captured, taken outside Jerusalem and the saw was broken.He lived and prophesied for seven hundred years before Christ. The Old Testament Book of Isaiah speaks of his life.
-Prophet Isaiah
Prophet John Baptist
John the Baptist baptized Christ in the Jordan River, he lived in the wilderness as a hermit. He ate desert herbs and wild honey. How did he end his life? Since John the Baptist rebuked Emperor Herod for marrying his daughter-in-law, the Empress Herodias hated him and persuaded the Emperor to cut off his head to St. John.This is what he did, killing this greatest man born of woman, as the Savior himself says, and the greatest prophet. We remember his martyrdom on the day of the use of St. John the Baptist's head (August 29th according to the old, September 11th according to the new calendar). Out of great respect for the righteous healer and martyr John the Baptist, all Orthodox fast on that day.What did St. John the Baptist when he first saw the Lord Christ? He said the prophetic words, "Behold, the Lamb of God who carries the sins of the whole world."
St. John the Baptist knew that Christ was without sin and need not be baptized (immersed in water), why did he baptize him in Jordan anyway? Christ is doubly sinless: both as God and as a Man born of the Pure Girl.But he voluntarily wanted to humble himself and come to baptism, as if he were sinful - "to fulfill all justice," as Sam tells the Forerunner. And it was at the moment of this voluntary humiliation that the glory of God appeared, God appeared on the waters of the Jordan River.

-Prophet John Baptist
Prophet Elisha
Elisha was an Old Testament prophet. He lived in the 9th century BC. The Bible mentions that when God wanted to "take to Himself" the elderly prophet Elijah, he revealed to him that he had appointed him as the heir in the prophetic ministry of Elisha the son of Safat, of the tribe of Reuben, in the city of Avelmul.Elijah told Elisha the will of God, and he clothed him with his robe, and asked of God a twofold prophetic boon for him. Elisha immediately left his home and relatives and followed Elijah.And when, according to the Old Testament, God took Elijah in a chariot of fire, Elisha remained to continue the prophetic ministry with even greater power than Elijah. According to Christian belief, in purity and zeal he was equal to the greatest prophets, and by the miraculous power given to him by God, he surpassed them all.It is mentioned in the Christian tradition that he summoned two bears to tear up forty and two young children who mocked him (2Car.2:23), separated the water in Jordan, made the bitter water in Jericho drinkable; released water into dug trenches during the war with the Moavians;multiplied oil in pots of miserable widow; A Somani woman resurrected her dead son; with twenty goblets fed a hundred men; healed the Duke of Neman from the disease; let sickness fall on his servant Giezi because of silver; blinded the whole Syrian army and forced the other to flee again; foreshadowed many events, both to the people and to individuals.He passed away at a deep age. The Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates it on June 14th on the ecclesiastical church and on June 27th on the Gregorian calendar.

-Prophet Elisha
Prophet Samuel
The Fifteenth and Last Judge of Israel. Lived at 1100 BC. Born of the tribe of Levi, the parents of Elkanah and Anna, in Ramat, or Arimathea, where the gentle Joseph was born later.The barren Anna wept for Samuel from God and dedicated him to God when he was 3 years old. Living in Silom, under the ark of the covenant, Samuel had, at the age of 12, a true revelation from God of punishment, which was to come to the house of the high priest Elijah because of the infidelity of his sons Ofni and Fines.The revelation soon came to an end: the Philistines defeated the Israelites, killed both sons of Elijah, and seized the ark of the covenant. When the messenger reports this accident to Elijah, he falls dead to the ground and exhales at 98 years of age.And the same thing happens with his daughter-in-law, his wife, Fines. From then on, in 20 years, the Israelites were slaves to the Philistines. After that time God sent Samuel to the people to preach repentance if they wanted to be saved from their enemies.And the people repented, and rejected the idols of others that they were serving, and recognized Samuel as a prophet, a priest, and a judge. Then Samuel went with the army to the Philistines, and with the help of God anointed them, and slew them, and liberated the land and the people.Samuel judged his people peaceably to their old age. Seeing him the old people told him to put an emperor in their place.In vain Samuel distracted the people from this, telling him that God was their only emperor, the people remained in their search.And if this search was out of favor with God, God ordered Samuel to help them for Emperor Saul, the son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin.Saul reigned for a short time, and God rejected him for insolence and disobedience, and commanded Samuel, and anointed David Jesse for the king of Saul.Before his death, Samuel gathered all the people together, and said goodbye to him. And when he died, all Israel cried after him, and they buried him honorably in his house in Rama.

-Prophet Samuel
Prophet David
After the death of King Saul, David became the king of the Jews. David was the best of all the kings of Judah. He unwaveringly believed in the true God and took care to do His will. He endured many persecutions from Saul and other enemies, but he did not become angry, he did not raise his hand against Saul, as the anointed of God, and he placed all his hope in God, and the Lord delivered him from all enemies. David was meek and pious.
But it also happened to David that he fell into great sins. Then he regretted them from the bottom of his heart, wet his bed with tears at night, and after that he became even better and loved God even more.
And so, one evening, King David was walking on the roof of the royal house and saw a very beautiful young woman. David wished he had her for his wife. He learned that the woman's name was Bathsheba and that she was the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Uriah was at war at that time (the war was then fought with the Ammonites). A strong desire arose in David for Uriah to die. That evil, sinful desire, the emperor did not overcome in himself and ordered the commander of the army to place Uriah during the fight so that they could kill him. David's wish was granted. Bathsheba, learning of her husband's death, wept for him.
When the time of Birasavi's weeping was over, King David sent for her and took her to his home, and she became his wife. Soon a son was born to Bathsheba, and David did not even notice that he had committed a great sin to God.
Then, by the command of God, the prophet Nathan came to King David and said to him: "In one city lived two men: one rich and the other poor. The rich man had many small and large cattle, and the poor man had nothing but one sheep, which he bought as a baby and she grew up with his children, she ate, drank, slept with him and was like a daughter to him.But a traveler approached the rich man.To entertain the traveler, the rich man took pity on his sheep and oxen, and he took a sheep from the poor and slaughtered it for his guest. "
King David became very angry with such a man and said to Nathan: "The living Lord (ie I swear to God), the man who did this is worthy of death, and he is obliged to pay four times as much for a sheep, because he did it, and he was not sorry. "
Then Nathan said to David, "This man is you. Thus saith the Lord GOD; I have anointed thee king over Israel; I have delivered thee out of the hand of Saul: why hast thou despised the word of the LORD? Thou hast taken Uriah's wife, and hast killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. Therefore the sword will not depart from your house. I will bring evil on you from your house. "
And David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord."
Nathan said to him, "The Lord has taken away your sin; you will not die, but the son who was born to you will die." And the prophet Nathan went to his home.
David, realizing how evil he had acted, deeply repented. He prayed to God with tears, fasted, lay on the ground. On the seventh day, the newborn died.
David's sin was great, but his repentance was sincere and great. And God forgave him. During his repentance, King David wrote a prayer of repentance - a song (Psalm 50), which became a pattern of repentance and begins with these words: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy and according to the abundance of your mercy, cleanse my iniquities." cleanse me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin ... "
For the great faith, meekness and obedience of King David, the Lord blessed his reign and helped him in everything.
He successfully waged wars with neighboring nations.
David conquered the city of Jerusalem and made it the capital of the Jewish kingdom. Instead of the old Tabernacle of Moses, he set up a new Tabernacle in Jerusalem and triumphantly transferred the Ark of the Covenant to it.
David wanted to build a permanent temple, but the Lord said, "You will not build a temple, because you fought a lot and shed a lot of blood; your son will make it, who will be king after you."
But at that time the Lord told David, "Thy throne shall endure for ever." This meant that from his descendants would come the Savior of the world - Christ, who would reign forever. And we know that Jesus Christ was often called the son of David.
David wrote many sacred songs, or psalms, which he sang in prayer to God, playing the fiddle or other musical instruments. In these songs - prayers, David called on God, repented of his sins before Him, sang the majesty of God and foretold the coming of Christ and the suffering that Christ will suffer for us. That is why the Holy Church calls King David a psalmist and a prophet.
The Psalms of David are often read and sung in the Church at worship services. The holy book, which contains all these psalms, or songs, is called the psalter. The Psalter is the best book of the Old Testament. Many Christian prayers are composed of words from the psalms.
David reigned forty years and died in old age. He appointed his son Solomon as his successor during his lifetime. The high priest Zadok and the prophet of God Nathan anointed him king. Before his death, David made a vow to Solomon, that he should make a temple of God.

-Prophet David