Parts of the Church
The parts of an Orthodox church are as follows:
4. Dome
6. Iconostasis
7. Altar

-Monastery High Dečani
Specially decorated entrance to the church. In Serbian medieval churches, the main entrance, the portal, is decorated with relief representations. The main portal is on the west side, and there are also north and south portals, which are so lavishly decorated.

-Portal of the Monastery High Dečani
The narthex is a "corridor" between the main portal and the nave. Catechumens (unbaptized, advertised) should stand in the narthex. They stand there because they are not allowed to attend any Holy Sacrament. They may be at the Liturgy but only until the deacon and the faithful pray. for them.After that they have to get out.

-Narthex of the Monastery High Dečani
The nave, is the main and largest part of the Orthodox church. In the middle of the nave is a kissing icon, that icon is the icon of the Saint to whom the temple is dedicated and sometimes the icon of the Saint who is celebrated on that day.Nave divides on two sides, on the side where men stand and on the other side where women stand.

-Nave of the Monastery High Dečani
4. Dome
The dome is a part of the Orthodox church on which the image of the Lord Jesus Christ is depicted. It is in the shape of a hemisphere.

-Dome of the Monastery High Dečani
Solea is a sublime part of the nave which is designated for the movement of episcops, priests, deacons and readers during the small and large entrance (the small entrance is when the Gospel is presented and the large entrance is when the honorary gifts are presented). On the south and north side of the sole there are choirs for which the singers sing. The part of the solea on which the deacon stands is called the pulpit.

-Solea of the Monastery High Dečani
6. Iconostasis
The iconostasis is a partition between the sole (nave) and the altar. On it are depicted figures, on the honorary doors (central door of the iconostasis) the icon of the Annunciation, on the right side of the honorary door of the icon of Jesus Christ, on the left side of the honorary door is the icon of the Mother of God. Other doors are usually icons of St. Stephen, St. Michael, etc. Above the honorary door is usually the icon of the Last Supper and around it the icons of the Holy Apostles or events during the life of Christ (birth, meeting, baptism, etc.). The iconostasis ends with the Cross and below it icons The Mother of God and the Apostle John.

-Iconostasis of the Monastery High Dečani
7. Altar
The altar is the holiest and most sublime part of an Orthodox church. It can house a bishop, priests, deacons and readers. Gifts are consecrated in the altar, all other Liturgical acts are ordained. The altar is divided into:
1. Place for Deacons
2. Honorary table
3. A place for proscomedy
1.Place for Deacons
Place for Deacons is a place where everything necessary for the Liturgy is located: clothes, candles, incense...
2. Honorary table
The Holy Table or the Holy Throne is the central and main part of the altar. Gifts are consecrated on it and all the necessary elements for the Liturgy are found there.
3. A place for proscomedy
Proscomidia (in English: preparation) is a process before the Liturgy in which prosphora is prepared and a lamb (in Serbian: lamb) and other pieces dedicated to the Mother of God, the Prophets, etc. are taken out. Also during proscomidia the priest prays for health or peace the souls of our loved ones whose names we wrote on a piece of paper and gave before the proscomedy.