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It is very striking that their public activity as preachers, St. John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ, begin in the same words: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Evangelist Matthew (Mt 3: 2 and Mt 4:17) testifies to this. This cannot be a coincidence. Rather, it will be part of God’s realm of salvation.It has an important role to play in the six months that make the difference in the time of the birth of St. John and the Lord Christ in the body, which we still recognize today through the six-month distance of celebrating the Birth of Christ (January 7) and the Birth of St. John (July 7). What is the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God Jeromonk Gregory of St. Athos writes:

"Saint Chrysostom asks the question, 'What is the kingdom of God?'" And says that Christ himself answers this question: "the kingdom of God is my presence." how far the sky is from the earth.But when Christ comes to earth and unites with us, then the Kingdom of God comes to us all. " From these words of our godly fathers we can conclude that the Kingdom of God is a life in the vicinity of Christ, a life in accordance with the will of God. since Christ became human and lived with us, we can live with Him, ie. that we live in the Kingdom of God.This gospel should be constantly heard by us Christians today. Because in our time, since evil is everywhere, believers reject the world and fear it. They forget that the world is where Christ came and opened the door of His Kingdom into which all of us are called to enter.We Christians today forget that, since Christ came into the world, many people who were in sin repented and entered His kingdom, just as Christ himself testified to the robber on the cross: Today you will be with me in heaven.The kingdom of God is not something past or future. It is a life with Jesus Christ that begins in the present life. We can all taste this reality of the Kingdom of God now, as we will taste it in eternity. Amin. "


-Scary judgement

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